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Jakob Burrows

Napoleon I | RISE (1769-1798)

Load the canon, survey the battlefield and hold onto your bicorne as we take aim at Ridley Scott’s ‘Napoleon’ (2023)! Much like Napoleon’s Grande Armée in Russia, we’ve bitten off more than we can chew (in just one episode) so will be delivering up a thrilling trilogy to do justice to the triumphs and follies…

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Robin Hood (1991) | A Thief & Two Kings (1194)

“Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” catapults audiences into the heart of medieval England, where the legendary outlaw Robin Hood leads a band of merry men in a daring revolt against tyranny and injustice. Directed by Kevin Reynolds and starring Kevin Costner in the titular role, this epic adventure weaves together action, romance, and heroism in…

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Zack to the Future | TPATPAT

This week we reluctantly dive into another installment of the ever-expanding TV rewatch podcast universe, and find ourselves face-to-face with: “Zack to the Future” which, in case it wasn’t clear, is a Saved by the Bell rewatch podcast. What has it got to do with Back to the Future, you ask? Nothing at all. Amidst…

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Malcolm X (1992) | American Civil Rights (1965)

“That’s too much power for one man to have,” said police Captain Green when, with a mere wave of his hand, Malcolm X dispersed an entire crowd of the Nation of Islam. It’s time we took in a Spike Lee joint! “Malcolm X” tells the gripping story of one of the most influential figures in…

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King Arthur (2004) | Dark Age Britain (410 CE)

In episode 4 of Season 4 we’re diving into the 2004 film adaptation of King Arthur, marketed as the epitome of historical accuracy but leaving much to be desired. With a star-studded cast led by Clive Owen and Keira Knightley, the film aimed to elevate the Arthurian legend to new heights but ultimately stumbled in…

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Bonus Episode: The Rasputin Special

This is a Patreon preview – find the full Rasputin Special at We delve deep into the world of Grigori Rasputin, the Siberian mystic whose influence over the last Tsar of Russia and his family altered the course of history. Adding onto our Anastasia episode on the main feed, the Rasputin Special takes you…

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Anastasia (1997) | Fall of the House of Romanov (1917)

This is our PATREON’S CHOICE of Season 4 – a vote was put to our Patrons and Anastasia was the top pick! If you want to influence future topic selection, and get a Fabergé egg’s worth of bonus episodes for a mere 3 rubels, head to Step into the fantastical world of animated royalty…

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Bonus Episode: The Discovery of Troy

Welcome to another Reel History Patreon Preview! You can find the full 1 hour bonus show at, along with a dozen additional bonus shows, all available for merely 3 drachmas per month! This time we’re exploring the rediscovery of the ancient city of Troy by amateur archeologist/dynamite enthusiast Heinrich Schliemann. Forget about your modern-day…

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Troy (2004) | The Rage of Achilles (1175 BCE)

What awaits you on this episode? GLORY! TAKE IT! ITS YOURS! Yes, we are paraphrasing the awful dialogue delivered haplessly by Brad Pitt in the 2004 Wolfgang Petersen epic, Troy. Loosely (very loosely) based on the Homeric poem, the Iliad, the movie explores the legendary Trojan War, a conflict sparked by the love affair between…

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Bonus Episode: Pirate Mythbusting!

Parrots, peg legs, jolly rogers and rum! Join us for a Patreon Preview that explains which of these tropes have a basis in reality and which are utter parrot’s guano. This is a preview and you can find the full bonus episode at Our Patreon has bonus episodes to go along with our main…

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