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Napoleon III | FALL (1806-1815)

‘What a pity the man wasn’t lazy ’ remarked the wily French diplomat Talleyrand as he later lamented on how Napoleon’s restless energy had led him to dominate Europe...

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SWYK 001: The Rise of Video Game TV Shows

It is The Return Of The Kings! Jim from Las Vegas and Jakob from Sweden have returned from some side quests to bring you YOUR TELEVISION PODCAST, Shows What...

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The Wire at 20 | TPATPAT

TPATPAT is back with S02E07 in which we discuss “The Wire at 20”, an HBO production meant to intice you into rewatching your favourite groundbreaking crime ensemble via HBO’s...

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Napoleon II | REIGN (1799-1805)

“The revolution is over… I AM the revolution!” proclaimed Mark dramatically as we recently sat down to record this second sortie into our trilogy on the man behind the...

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HBO’s The Last of Us Podcast | TPATPAT

We’re halfway through season 2 of TPATPAT and after a Jim Scampoli tour de force (two Friday Night Lights podcasts, two Full House podcasts, one Saved by the Bell...

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Napoleon I | RISE (1769-1798)

Load the canon, survey the battlefield and hold onto your bicorne as we take aim at Ridley Scott’s ‘Napoleon’ (2023)! Much like Napoleon’s Grande Armée in Russia, we’ve bitten...

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