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Legion is not the X-Men TV show we deserve but the X-men TV show we need! Legion on FX is the most crazy, inventive and exciting superhero show in ages, and despite our caution and Mass Effect jokes, we’re here to geek out over cool camera tricks and unreliable narrators. Leave your Legion comments and subscribe to get our EPISODE 2 REVIEW COMING SOON.

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Shows What You Know is a television discussion/review show hosted by Jakob Burrows from Sweden and Jim Scampoli from Las Vegas. Jim Scampoli has another pop culture podcast called Jim and Them and Jakob Burrows publishes podcasts, comics and music at Awesomepedia. You can also check out Jakob’s YouTube and Jim’s YouTube!

Please subscribe to Shows What You Know on YouTube or iTunes and check out our many reviews of shows such as Stranger Things, Steven Universe, Gilmore Girls, Westworld, The Get Down, Atlanta, Black Mirror, Dirk Gently, Mr. Robot, Outcast, Preacher, and many more!